Northern Arizona Navajo Nation Desert Canyons

Navajo Veterans Organization

The Navajo Nation


You probably recognize the iconic Monument Valley from Western Movies. However, did you know that it is in the Navajo Nation? The Navajo Nation lies in four states, New Mexico, Utah, with its bulk in Arizona.

The Navajo Nation today is roughly 17 million acres or 27,413 sq. miles in northwestern New Mexico, northeastern Arizona, and southeastern Utah, making it the largest reservation in the United States.

Diné Nihi Kéyah Project

It lies in an expansive desert land in Northern Arizona with steep, harsh terrains that create obstacles for its residents. Access to electricity, water, roads, and reliable transportation is not easy to come by. Internet broadband, as well as cellphone services, are slow and limited in many communities — far short of meeting the demand.

Navajo Veterans Organization serves the largest area in the State of Arizona. Many Navajo people travel long distances to access services and even buy food. Often it’s difficult for veterans, surviving spouses, and Gold Star families to receive assistance that is easily accessible to others. That’s where we come in.

Some Statistics

As of 2023…


About 38.3% of Navajo households have incomes below the federal poverty threshold.1


The unemployment rate in the Navajo Nation is 48.5% compared to 4.2% in the United States. 2


Per capita income is $16,542, and there are overcrowded households, a shortage of doctors, and a high dropout rate in schools. 3

Navajo Veterans Organization is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

Navajo Veterans Organization is Gold Star Officially Approved 501(c)(3) charitable orgainzation
Navajo Veterans Organization is Gold Star Officially Approved 501(c)(3) charitable orgainzation
Navajo Veterans Oeganization earned the highest Seal of Transparency 2024.
Navajo Veterans Organization earned the highest Seal of Transparency in 2024.

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Top image courtesy of Antelope Valley Canyon Tours- Ligai Si’ Anii

  1. Census Reporter ↩︎
  2. ↩︎
  3. Census Reporter ↩︎

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